Thursday, May 10, 2007

AP Calc AB 2007

The first problem fine
The second and third started to wonder
am I still in sleeping mode or
is it just tricky?
Then the fourth, fifth, and sixth
I realize it's the test not me
Whatever, got out
others say the same
so I guess I'm not that lame
and College Board is to blame
maybe not, but at least by heart
we claim

Popped out of nowhere
or making you write over and over
petty notations end never
Mr.Hertz, we thought it'd be
a piece of cake
but the cake was to hard
or too big to finish
we got fed up with it
and yet we'll remember the treats
given that day
two weeks before exam
Saturday prep

I don't like cakes.

* * * * *

Yes, I am complaining. But the exam was very long and I feel like rambling.
Not because I am frustrated or mad, but becuase sometimes it's fun to do so.
I relieves me from all the work I still have awaiting me.
The real danger is the chem next Tuesday. I was never good at science.